Monday, March 7, 2011

Kelebihan & Kekurangan Menggunakan Monoshock

Changing devices motors of the twin-shock suspension Shockbreaker alias alias Shockbreaker twins become single monoshock has now become a trend everywhere. In addition to more stylish - because the mono suspension system normally used by motor racing in both the circuit and in the fight crosstrack - also become more stable ride. "Because with monoshock, then when the motor pedestal maneuver load on only one point so the bike is more stable." Conversely, if the motor uses double Shockbreaker then load the proper pedestal in the same size on both the shock is only supported by a single shock when cornering and winding motor -contortion. As a result, the motor is unstable when the rider to maneuver. The result, in addition to unstable motor also less agile invited to maneuver. However, monoshock it also has some disadvantages. "Plus minus this must be considered, so that users can judiciously motor drive well and safely," So what are the advantages and disadvantages monoshock? What should be done by the owner of the motor? How to modify motors previously used a twin shock to a monoshock? Here Fandi Opan share tips for you: A. Excess There are several advantages of monoshock suspension devices include: Soft 1.Lebih According Opan, experience so far has shown that when users motorcycle monoshock suspension using a device that is correct, then the effect ditoimbulkan devices were much more comfortable than the twin shock. Swing and a softer spring response when the rider climbs or road bulldoze holes. However, one thing to note their use must also comply with the suggestions or recommendations of the manufacturer. For example, the load being transported does not exceed specified. "Every motorcycle must be no rule maximum load, eg motor weighs only 95 pounds then do not carry the load more than that," 2. More stylish Monoshock devices are generally used by motor sports racing biasadigunakan in action. Thus, the motor that uses a device that will emit a sporty aura. Moreover, from the side view is more concise, practical and minimalist. "Views like that's what people mekmbuat devices devoted to it," 3. More stable performance Monoshock strongly support the stability of the motor when the rider to maneuver around the bend, winding road that sharp, perforated or wave in the medium or even high speed. Stability was created because the load must be distributed by the motor when in action at various tracks are supported by a single point from the beginning was prepared to hold heavy loads. Through monoshock motor load is centered in the middle of the swing arm. This is different from the twin shock, because from the outset was designed to share the load to the second point that is in each Shockbreaker. "So, when cornering or maneuvering load supported Shockbreaker berbed. That is what causes the instability, "explains Opan.
B. Deficiency In addition to describing the advantages possessed monoshock, some shortcomings such devices. Some lack devices that include: 1. Not suitable for transporting heavy loads Because the fulcrum Shockbreaker this type only in one place then try always mengakut expenses do not exceed standards established by the manufacturer. When you exceed that number, then the component devices that will rapidly worn or damaged. In fact, if imposed - for example a drive with three or more - then the shock is likely to sinkhole. When that happens, then you must be prepared to spend deeply, because the cost of expensive repairs. 2. Age shorter In general, manufacturers set the life or Shockbreaker age is 20 thousand kilometers of use. Indeed, it could be the vehicle owners feel that the suspension device is still okay despite a distance of 20 thousand kilometers. "However, they must be vigilant. Because, with a shelf life that has exceeded the limit the potential damage could occur at any time, so it needs high vigilance, " In addition, the owner of the motor must also be diligent in checking the oil suspension in the tube. The reason is, when oil was diluted causing devices that can not work seacar maximum. When that happens, then the danger was lurking. 3. More expensive To install or modification of the twin shock to monoshock diperl; ukan no small cost. With the benchmark price of existing components, for duck motor range modification costs Rp 1.8 to 2.5 million. In addition, for the modification must also be supported by a strong motor chassis and front suspension devices are qualified. If not, precisely raises the potential for accidents. Therefore, it could happen, when the speeding motorcycle suddenly ambles. Motor too shaky-shaky. However, if the motor has a strong chassis and component prices and the installation was not expensive, the monoshock is much more profitable. Those are some advantages and disadvantages monoshock. Hopefully useful.

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